Our Mission
Hi, I'm Christina Barton, Founder & Mom to Parker & Jonathan
It is part of our mission to ensure that all people with ASD and their families have transition plans that result in more independent adult life that is meaningful to the individual, along with effective interventions, services and supports throughout their lifetime.
It is our goal to provide information and tools that can assist you in all facets of adult life.
Resources for Every age group, caregivers, and Parents
Social Skills Opportunities
Services vary from state to state, but most involve a team component comprised of the individual, family members, friends, and coordinators from an agency or organization providing the service.
Opportunities for Job and Educational Skills
What Parents and participants are Saying...
"Miss Barton has helped me write and make my movie. I can't think and write good but she sits with me to help me finish it and it is going to be an action yu-gi-oh movie."
James B., Seguin, TX
"I learned to cook plantains. It took me a few tries but, she is very patient and showed me how and how to be safe around the fryer."
Chase B., Stockdale, TX
“My child is non-verbal, and I am so happy this group exists, they are so welcoming and overlook the fact my son cannot communicate. They include him and we always look forward to their events.”
Danielle B., Seguin, TX